Cars are usually listed for an average of half a minute each. However, time may vary depending on the car. Some cars are listed for only a few seconds, while others may be listed for a minute or longer. Ultimately, it all depends on the car itself. We understand each auction thoroughly and we’ll be on your side to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Automotive auctions are thorough and professional.

Bid on vehicles from the comfort of your home.

Vehicles are usually listed for an average of half a minute.

We'll be on your side every step of the way

industry leading access

over 50 auctions

We offer access to over 50 automotive auctions in Japan and with our extensive knowledge of the Japanese used automotive market, we can help you find the perfect vehicle for your needs and budget. We only source the best vehicles from Japan, so you can be sure you’re getting a high-quality vehicle.

Access to over 50 Japanese car auctions

Extensive knowledge of the Japanese used automotive market

High-quality vehicles sourced from Japan

Competitive prices